Monday, 14 February 2011

Embassy Excitement...

Well, since I last posted I am definitely one step closer to the land of the free, on Friday was the day of the American Embassy. For the benefit of future CRPs I will explain what happened, as I know that it is something a lot of us get very nervous about, and there was really no need at all!

So first came the horrific form, my two tips are, firstly to take note of the reference number, because it logs you out all the time and then secondly to keep on saving- for the same reason. The stuff it asks you isn't too difficult and as long as you have the yummy info to hand (and in my case an amazing boy on the end of the phone). Then print everything off, check a hundred times you have everything you need and sorted. 

On the embassy day a group of us had booked so we would be together, which was nice as it meant having someone to chat to in between the waiting. We all arrived really early, in fact I arrived at 7.30 and they were already letting people in. You have to queue up outside and they check you have your documents and that you have no electricals (they are unbelievably strict on this), then you proceed to security, which is like an airport system, they scan your bag and you walk through a scanner yourself, then once this is complete you walk round to the Visa entrance. They give you a sticker with your number on and then you basically hang around waiting until you are called to the first lot of windows, where they check all your paperwork and scan your finger prints (all fingers and thumbs). Then its back down to the waiting area to wait for your interview. All four of us on the day were asked different questions, so as long as you are calm, speak clearly and know where you are going you will be fine. My man was extremely friendly and the interview lasted less than 5 minutes. You are then told if you are successful (we all were- phew) and you go and pay for your passport to be couriered back to you. Take card as cash was not allowed at all. So now all I am waiting for is the return of the passport! Fingers crossed. 

Then for the rest of the morning, we were in and out so quickly, the four of us had a bite to eat and then went to Harrods, which was hilarious and then went and just had a chat in a bar. It was so so nice getting to know some of the other March gang, which has made the whole thing much less nerve-wracking. 

In the evening I went to see The Wizard of Oz with a very good friend, it was great, although we thought slightly under rehearsed (it was their first week), give it six months and it will be amazing. So that was Visa day!

Then on Saturday I went for my contact lenses fitting, as I am very worried Disney will not like my glasses and really don't want to be blind at work! So hopefully that will all work out as that is one more thing crossed off the list. Then picked up some bits in town that I know I will need for Disney to hopefully save on last minute panic buying! Sunday me and Mumma B went to see my cousin and his wife, felt strange knowing I won't be able to see them for a year, but I have asked them to download skype so they can chat away to me, plus they know what it is like living abroad for a long period of time, so I know they will always be there at the end of email if I need a pep talk. 

An that is all really, I still need to sort out insurance, student loan stuff, tax stuff, saying goodbye to all of my friends and buy some last bits. I won't finish work until the end of February (and fly on the 7th March), so just trying to earn as much as I can before then alongside lots of sorting. 

Three weeks today I shall be (hopefully) on board a plane heading over to Florida! It has come so so quick. Am still amazingly nervous, but feeling more confident and excited about the whole thing. Over and out!